Old technology of the past, abandoned and taken over by nature. There is something deeply sad about it - fragile human work stands no chance against nature and it's power of rebirth
Old technology of the past, abandoned and taken over by nature. There is something deeply sad about it - fragile human work stands no chance against nature and it's power of rebirth
Yes, we and our creations are simply tiny compared to nature, its laws and the relentless march of time
There's something utterly sad and heartbreaking about abandoned toys. Why kids abandon toys? Just because they got bored of them? Or maybe some kid was forced to grow up earlier and had to leave their favourite toy behind...
Excellent work.
Yes, for some reason dirty neglected toys lying in some random places make me sad... Maybe the kid who lost it misses his/her best friend forever.
It's trippy and surreal as fuck, but also feels very emotional and genuine. Great job.
im glad <3 thank you
Thanks to the soft lighting and colouring your picture looks like an illustration from an old books for kids. It's really pretty.
thank you!
It's breathtaking. Freaking stunning. The mist and lights look so real.
thank you!
He seems to be a pretty chill dude, monstrous alien or not x)
supes chill
He looks like an unholy child of a lovecraftian abomination, actual biblical angel, traditional depiction of devils and... colourful butterfly (it's the wings). I absolutely love it.
thank you :) that was really nice
Your pixel work depicting food is so aesthetically pleasing that it actually makes me hungry. And I like it <3
Thanks a lot!!!
The rain and the lights reflected in the wet concrete look very realistic. Amazing job!
Thank you! I love painting light and reflections
This stuff is fire (pun fully intended). There's something in his pose and flames around him that makes me wanna listen to metal. Beautiful.
Hell yeah! (pun fully intended)
I'm a simple person who is currently on heavy copium and hopium. Everything sucks, so I'm looking for reasons to smile about. Pleased to meet you.
Land of Onion Blossom
Joined on 3/16/19