The texture here looks really great - makes me want to reach and touch the picture to feel it, though all I can touch is the screen of my laptop :( The colouring is pretty neat too.
The texture here looks really great - makes me want to reach and touch the picture to feel it, though all I can touch is the screen of my laptop :( The colouring is pretty neat too.
Why thank you kind stranger
Judging by his pissed off expression and how much mess he made, I can't help but think that by massacring these schmucks (RIP) Angel wreaked his fury on them... and still hasn't fully calmed down. Kinda wonder, who angered him so much?
It's really impressive you pulled this off while being ill. I love the dim lighting, little details (like Val stepping on the corpses hand, blood on his finger) and especially blood smears - they look quite natural here and they are fucking hard to paint. Respect *salutes*
Yes! I feel like Angel is very good at bottling up his anger for long periods of time before he just can't handle it anymore, snapping and needing an outlet, be it drugs, drinking or violence. My thought process was that he used this job opportunity with Val to let loose some steam, and is still coming down from that anger. As far as his pissy look, Val got blood on him, and he hates having to do laundry haha.
And thank you! It was pretty difficult but It kept me sane while being super bored in bed. And I have been trying to get better at blood splatter/drip placement for a long time, the best way for me is to think about what happened with what wound, then think about how the blood would travel. (I watch allot of detective and CSI kind of shows lol as well as took criminology classes in highschool)
It's visually stunning - I like how the candle slowly emerges from darkness, floating ^^
BTW I didn't know this idiom and after googling it, I gotta keep in mind your advice from the description x'D
Thank you very much! It's always been a good point and good saying.
Your work radiates with emotion and warmth, and bright colouring is just perfect here. I think I fell in love with this artwork <3
Thank you so much!
The purple bruises on his neck and face stand in sharp contrast with the pink interior, and it breaks my heart. Poor spider ;_;
Indeed. He is not having a good day.
I love that you decided to show negative thoughts as colorful comic book illustrations; it makes very unique in my opinion. Beautiful work.
PS Joker is an amazing movie! *raises fist*
You are an amazing shoulder to lean on. Thanks!
Do give honest reviews, that will help me to improve my art more.
*fans self* Oh my word, those lines and colouring makes me feel like an excited catholic schoolgirl at a summer rock festival. Whew, it's beautiful.
Haha, thank you so much!
This is some fantastic shit - there's something terrifying about it, it's like a photo taken a few seconds before apocalypse. Or unleashing horrifying gods from another dimension.
The whole piece has an aura of sorrow and melancholy to it, but the small splatter of colour (pink umbrella, doggo's [?] rainbow tail) add sweetness and... I dunno, hope? Very lovely artwork.
thank you
It's absolutely lovely, the attention to details is amazing.
Thank you!
I'm a simple person who is currently on heavy copium and hopium. Everything sucks, so I'm looking for reasons to smile about. Pleased to meet you.
Land of Onion Blossom
Joined on 3/16/19