Not only he knows what day to take out the trash, he also is great at doing several chores at once (multiple arms=multitasking) and with him you can walk under the moonlight without fear of getting mugged. 10/10 would marry
Not only he knows what day to take out the trash, he also is great at doing several chores at once (multiple arms=multitasking) and with him you can walk under the moonlight without fear of getting mugged. 10/10 would marry
And look at that big ol smile hes got! it will make anyone's day better after they see it :D
Holy shit, I nearly choked on chips. Well done, good sir, well done.
I'll get you next time.
This is actually very unnerving and haunting, and the message behind your art is further strenghtened by the medium you decided to use (not to mention I don't see collages that often on the Internet). Also it makes me think of a book I've read not too long ago, which theme is greed and madness it causes.
i do not know what is ok and what not. i still like everyone :)
I love the colouring here - it gives the whole piece a great retro feel to it <3
I was actually looking at a bunch of those "vaporwave aesthetic" stuff when referencing, ahaha
That kind of smile would've stopped anyone's heart... forever.
It's kind of weird, but this ghost is attractive in a creepy, unsettling way. Also, I like how he emerges from the thick shadow below.
Hey, thank you!! That's what the commissioner wanted, so I'm really happy to hear he comes across that way to ya. :D
Looks very mysterious and magical. Also has a nice and powerful aura. I dig your use of the pride flag colours.
Have a happy Pride Month *sips bisexuali-tea*
Happy pride to you too! Thank you very much haha, this comment really made my day~
Seeing thumbnail I expected some Alice in Wonderland fanart and after clicking I got pleasantly surprised with this wonderfully coloured and detailed work. You did an excellent job!
OMG! Your message did my day! Thank you so much! TAT/ <,3
I am so happy that you like it! <33
Tale as old as time: parents and teachers, adults in general, make younglings learn stuff they don't have interest in, simultaneously calling kids' passions and hobbies "a waste of time". So more timid and obedient kids abandon what they truly love and become good students to please their guardians and have "a good future". After all, "good future" is worth sacrificing your passion and enduring things you find tedious, right?
Unfortunately, those children often become unfulfilled adults, stuck at jobs they hate and angry at themselves and their elders.
TL;DR: oof this hurts on a personal level x'D
Thanks a lot for your opinion!
(Love you a lot for this kind of observation, this means a lot!)
Aww, it's cute as hell and very well made! <3
Thank you ^^
I'm just starting doing little sewing project like this, but it's been really fun
She's a hot mess. And she'll be dreaming of whoever left her like that in weeks ;3
I like how colouring here (namely pinks) show that while she had an intense makeout session, she's still aroused and not fully satisfied (at least that's the way I see it). Plus it's rare to see a female character covered in lipstick like that.
^^^^ Yes!! You nailed everything down perfectly! Thanks so much for the wonderful comment :>
I'm a simple person who is currently on heavy copium and hopium. Everything sucks, so I'm looking for reasons to smile about. Pleased to meet you.
Land of Onion Blossom
Joined on 3/16/19