Damn, you've progressed a lot over the years.
I like how you conveyed the feelings of loneliness and sorrow mostly through soft shades of blue. Also, her expression is more subtle and realistic, compared to 2011.
Damn, you've progressed a lot over the years.
I like how you conveyed the feelings of loneliness and sorrow mostly through soft shades of blue. Also, her expression is more subtle and realistic, compared to 2011.
Simple yet cute, I love it <3
I love it too ❤
It's simply beautiful. The mist only adds to mysterious atmosphere of the landscape.
Nice, calm moment in a beautiful, serene scenery. I love all of the details.
Looking at your work fills me with determination. It's neat as hell, especially shading.
Gorgeous work, I love that cute summer feel to it. Also, kudos for freckles and nice tits <3
It's a nice blend of goth and cute.
The background is crazy creepy, like taken straight out of Junji Ito manga. I also like the texture of your OC's hand, not to mention the little cross in her iris.
Thank you very much! (:
She's hot and has a beautiful eye, would date.
give em the mighty smooch
The colouring very nicely sums up how surreal and heartbreaking this whole situation with Kaworu was. Poor Shinji, it messed him up so much.
Also, the hands remind me of Madoka Magica, I don't know why xD
I'm a simple person who is currently on heavy copium and hopium. Everything sucks, so I'm looking for reasons to smile about. Pleased to meet you.
Land of Onion Blossom
Joined on 3/16/19