Looking at the colouring and eyes one may think that Tuatha de Danann were an alien race ;)
Looking at the colouring and eyes one may think that Tuatha de Danann were an alien race ;)
In my opinion the whole setting looks cool and even beautiful, so I feel a little puzzled at the title ^^" But hey, maybe it's a torture chamber of aliens.
Those brains in the tanks in the foreground - where do you think they came from, and were they given willingly?
It looks absolutely fantastic, makes me think of 2001 Space Odyssey and Interstellar.
Looking at thumbnail I thought it was black and white painting of flowers or something like that. But seeing the full picture, it's even better!
The lighting is really really good. Especially eyes are beautiful and expressive, they turn attention from the dark figure looming behind her.
Thank you man.
It look very nice and warm (no pun intended lol). I like how you coloured the background brown rather than black.
Very nice, looks like a screen from an indie game.
It looks creepy and horrible, and yet miserable look in his eyes makes me want to hug him.
Amazing how you captured the outer hotness of black hole *ba dum tss*
Jokes aside, your work is stunning. She looks like an elf or maybe fire spirit, so beautiful and mysterious.
I can sense a big hit coming this spring ;3
I love this pop-art style, humour (that face!) and reasonable amount of fanservice here. It all works very well together.
I'm a simple person who is currently on heavy copium and hopium. Everything sucks, so I'm looking for reasons to smile about. Pleased to meet you.
Land of Onion Blossom
Joined on 3/16/19