The concept and execution, not to mention composition, is spot on. Poor chicks were fucked from the start and breaking that egg above their little heads is just adding an insult to the injury ;_;
The concept and execution, not to mention composition, is spot on. Poor chicks were fucked from the start and breaking that egg above their little heads is just adding an insult to the injury ;_;
Holy fuck, it's some Hieronymus Bosch type of shit. I'm mesmerized *_*
I like how you managed to capture the mood of this particular shot. Good job on Maddie's big eyes and lips. Also kudos for adding pink hues on her hand, cheeks and mouth.
It's a great illustration for the lyrics. The redness of her blood and shoe, and chandelier's string strenghtens the effect. It's all connected.
It looks beautiful and a little bit melancholy. I think the colouring definitely helps in expressing this feeling.
Amazing work. The light inside her ribcage does catch my eye, but I also like luminescence in her eyes. It's like her soul is shining through her appearance.
She looks like a personification of Spring - fresh, innocent and beautiful.
She IS a personification of spring! c:
Huh... Oddly enough, that kind of afterlife isn't that scary. Maybe because the difference between that and life is, well, skin, meat and insides.
Everybody needs a little dark humour now and then, so thanks for posting that ;3
im really happy with how this went down :D thanks for the nice comments :D
I love how dreamy and ethereal this landscape looks.
I'm a simple person who is currently on heavy copium and hopium. Everything sucks, so I'm looking for reasons to smile about. Pleased to meet you.
Land of Onion Blossom
Joined on 3/16/19